I'm probably better equipped than most of my clients to handle the role of an executor. I've been in investment and retirement planning with RBC for four years, and I have a career in banking spanning 32 years.
Then, in 2016, my best friend entered the hospital with a life-threatening illness, and she had named me as an executor. I had the forethought to discuss with her the possibility of retaining help if things got too complicated. And there were complications right from the start.
Upon her passing, all I wanted to do was to be there for her three young boys. I quickly saw that that could not happen if I spent all my time and energy trying to settle the estate. So I called Celia Ong, Estate and Trust Advisor to discuss if RBC's estate and trust services could help. My estate and trust advisor stepped in and immediately outlined what had to be done and how. The great part was I had to do very little and could focus on the boys.
To be clear, I always felt engaged and involved. I was just able to let Estate and Trust Services do all the heavy lifting, the details, and the next steps. When you are an executor, you worry that your decisions may be challenged. Not in my case, because I had the support of the professionals.
Being an executor can be an overwhelming and challenging responsibility. A first time executor might not know where to start or might not be aware of their duties, responsibilities, and liabilities, for that matter. In this case, Dawneen has a full-time job and family of her own to care for, and now looking after a second family.
Acting in the best interest of her friend's estate meant using RBC/s agent for executive services and having professional advice every step of the way. As an RBC estate and trust advisor, I like knowing we can help our clients in their time of need.
RBC simplifies the estate administration process and lightens the load executors might feel. Given the responsibility, risk, and time commitment involved, it's good to know that we have a caring team of experts that are here to help.
As the population ages, we all seek to better equip ourselves with the tools and resources to help our clients navigate through their various life events. Rest assured that Estate and Trust Services has the right professionals with the right expertise and the right approach to be a part of your team of professional experts.
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