Wealth for Life

The Lester Wealth Management Group is a seasoned, disciplined team of wealth and investment advisory professionals operating inside RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Though part of a leading Canadian financial institution with global resources, we remain compact and responsive.

As a result, our clients enjoy two key advantages.

First, the unparalleled level of personal attention only a nimble and accessible group of advisors can provide. Secondly, unlimited access to a wide and powerful range of skills and services through an organization possessing huge resources.

This combination of relative smallness supported by enormous bench strength constitutes our crucial competitive edge.

While our approach to investment management and wealth advisory is integrated and holistic, we regard rigorous financial planning as the foundation of our unique process.

Wealth For Life is not a slogan. It is a philosophy and a promise. Like the foundation of ancient architecture, The Lester Wealth Management Group is always there to grow, protect and preserve your legacy and wealth. We take that obligation seriously.


Steve Lester, P.Eng., MBA, CIM

Senior Wealth Advisor and Portfolio Manager


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