Protecting Your Family with Critical Illness Insurance

March 28, 2018 | Melissa Clark & Mark Roundell


A life-threatening disease or disorder can dramatically change the quality of life you and your family enjoy today. The tax-free benefit of a critical illness policy will help you return to the quality of life you expect and deserve.

How would your world change if you were diagnosed with cancer today or had a heart attack? Based on 2011 estimates, almost 40% of Canadian women and 45% of men will develop cancer during their lifetimes.[i]

A life-threatening disease or disorder can be a life-altering event and can dramatically change the quality of life you and your family enjoy today. While medical costs are covered, the tax-free benefit of a critical illness policy will help you return to the quality of life you expect and deserve.

Critical illness provides a one-time lump sum tax-free cash benefit should an insured individual be diagnosed with and survive 30 days from one of a number of predetermined covered illnesses including cancer, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease, or in such events as a heart attack, stroke and/or bypass surgery.

The benefit of this type of policy is that it allows you to focus on what will be important to you – a return to health and well-being, without worrying about finances. You can spend the money any way you choose. You can use it to make modifications to your home, pay for prescription drugs or treatments not covered by government or private plan, obtain the best medical treatment in Canada or other parts of the world or enable your spouse to stop working to help care for you.

If you would like more information on how this type of policy could protect you and your family, we would be happy to explain how it may fit into your overall wealth management plan.


[i] “General Cancer Statistics at a Glance”, Canadian Cancer Society, 2011