New Highs, COVID Update and Causes for Optimism

November 27, 2020 |Rane Brennan
Global equity markets marched higher over the past week. Many are approaching the peaks reached at the beginning of the year. Some have even made new all-time highs. Investors have grown more comfortable with the possibility that life - and the economy...
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Tax-ic Waste: 3 Commonly Wasted Tax-Saving Opportunities

November 17, 2020 |Rane Brennan
There are laws to better protect Canadians from the very serious problem of toxic waste. No such laws exist to protect us from “tax-ic waste”– missed tax deductions, tax credits and tax savings strategies. While “tax ic waste” may not harm our physical...
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After The Boomer Times

November 03, 2020 |Rane Brennan
If you look back about 40 years, nearly one-half of Canadian workers had an employee pension plan. For those set to retire in the next 10-15 years, again, about half are covered. However, for the cohort of 25-44 year-olds the pension situation looks a...
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