My Father’s Wisdom Applies More Than Ever

I wrote Balanced, The Al Pearlstein Story, Lessons from my Father on Life, Family and Investing to honour my father and thank him for his guidance.

For years, my dad was a leading broker on Bay Street. Everyone knew Al Pearlstein and many wondered about the secret to his success. When I decided to join the investment services business, I knew I could be successful if I learned from him.

The Secret to Success

My father’s “secret” is quite simple. Rather than trying to sell his clients one trendy stock after another, Al worked hard to first win his potential clients’ trust. He did this by listening to them, understanding their risk tolerances, goals and lifestyles. He was always interested in them personally and took a “big picture” view of their financial matters – how their investments would fit in with their real estate holdings, their life insurance and potentially their businesses.

Only then did he make recommendations, and only after many hours of studying companies, their performance and their potential for growth. This was long before today’s “know your client” regulations came into effect.

For my father, slow and steady wins the race. Careful investments, prudent selections, appropriate allocations all supported by research – this is how he helped clients grow their wealth for years. One of his pet phrases still is, "When greed walks in the door, common sense flies out the window."

The Secret Behind the Secret

This method meant that he was able to work with clients on a long-term basis. So rather than spending all of his time chasing after prospects to sell them the latest hot stocks, he could dedicate himself to his existing clients’ well-being. That lead to a steady stream of word-of-mouth referrals, which for him, was a much more satisfying way of doing business.

It’s More Than Just Business

In addition to absorbing how he managed his business, I also try to follow his lead in how to live. For Al, there has always been a balance. He made time for his children’s many sports and social activities. He’s an attentive husband for my mother. He dedicates time to his faith and his community. To him, all of this is critical to peace of mind and a well-lived life. Doesn’t this sound familiar? Isn’t this what so many of us are looking for in our own lives?

Helpful and Generous

If you read the book, you’ll see that my father came from somewhat difficult beginnings. In the truest sense, he is a self-made man. But as soon as he found a way to become a leader in his field, he shared that knowledge with his colleagues. In fact, he was called on to train many brokers who became successful using his methods.

This generosity is simply part of his make-up. He doesn’t force himself on you, but if you’re interested in learning, he’ll share what he knows.

Proud to Have Dad on my Team

Looking at it from a pure business perspective, my dad has been through 10 major market cycles. He’s lived and prospered through it all, which is helpful when you need a little perspective.

Now he’s handed the baton to me and like him, I’m happy to share what I know. I wrote this book so that others might learn and understand the secret of success in the financial markets and in life in general. If you’re curious as to whether this might be useful to you, please call for your copy.

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I wrote Balanced, The Al Pearlstein Story, Lessons from my Father on Life, Family and Investing to honour my father and to thank him for all that he taught me about how to manage money, and just as importantly, how to live a full and balanced life.

Read more about the book here.

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