
Investment Solutions
Choose from a full range of Canadian, U.S. and international equities. Access the largest inventory of fixed-income investments in Canada and a superior selection of mutual funds from leading fund companies worldwide. view details

Retirement Planning
We provide solutions to build and protect your retirement nest egg for each stage of your life. view details

Business Planning
Fulfill all of your company's investment needs with our customized business strategies and convenient solutions. Protect your business through business succession planning, executive life insurance, key person insurance and more. view details

Estate and Wealth Protection
Solutions and strategies for protecting your assets, transferring your wealth and settling an estate. Using insurance strategies and other solutions, we can help you protect your wealth during your lifetime, preserve the value of your estate for your beneficiaries, and help you tax-effectively transfer your wealth to family members, a favourite charity or other beneficiary. view details

Custom-Designed Portfolio
The basis of long-term, successful money management, the Portfolio Approach is predicated around creating a customized investment portfolio that reflects your investment needs throughout the various stages of your life. view details

Advisor Account
With an Advisor Account, you have access to a complete range of investment choices and financial planning services. Working directly with your Investment Advisor, you can plan, implement and make adjustments to your portfolio as needed—without paying additional transaction fees. view details

Guided Portfolios
With Guided Portfolios, you follow the proven RBC investment strategy process that guides your decisions to buy or sell individual equities. view details

Mutual Funds
With features such as built-in diversification, professional management, liquidity and more, it’s no wonder that 1 in 3 Canadians own mutual funds. At RBC Dominion Securities, we specialize in matching the right mutual funds to your needs and objectives. view details

GIC rates
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