Secrets to a Happy Retirement

January 24, 2022 |Paul Monette

There are plenty of reasons why some Canadians are happier than others in their golden years.

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Paul's Prose February 2021 - The Great Pandemic Economy

February 22, 2021 |Paul Monette

The Great Pandemic Economy: Let’s pretend someone wrote a book about a pandemic that took over the world. A pandemic that forced people to stay home for over a year. A pandemic that killed 2.5 million people and counting.

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Paul's Prose October 2020

October 02, 2020 |Paul Monette

Are we there yet? Nope. In fact, I am not sure we will ever see the true end of Covid-19. Please do not take this to be a devastating negative – there is enough of that out there! It simply means that things will change.

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