Experience always beats a slick sales pitch.
Marta founded Stevenson Holtby over 26 years ago with the vision to grow our clients’ wealth by putting each one first and foremost. Marta has succeeded with the early adoption of pension style investment management for high net worth private clients, foundations, charities, and corporations. This investment style has resulted in a tremendous performance track record over the last 26 years. Marta’s current practice has grown beyond investment management to encompass fully integrated wealth management solutions for clients to ensure a successful wealth transition to the next generation. Marta prides herself that her company doesn’t have a sales department, you only speak with us, the people with proven experience.
38 years in investment business;
Extensive investment management experience with high net worth individuals, foundations, corporations, and charities;
Founded Stevenson Holtby Investment Management Group over 26 years ago;
Extensive depth in integrated financial and real estate planning;
Proven track record with long list of clients since inception;
12 years in fixed income and credit.
Early adopter of Pension style investment management;