If you need personal guidance with your investments, one of our full-service Investment Advisors would be happy to help. Whether you're investing for a business organization or yourself, an Investment Advisor can custom-design a portfolio to meet your specific needs. You will have access to the full spectrum of investments, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, insurance and options. 

As a Branch Manager at RBC Dominion Securities, I would be pleased to introduce you to an Investment Advisor located near you.  Please feel free to contact me today.


Proud Sponsors of the Richmond Community Foundation:

Wealth management advice that's close to home

Thank you for your interest in the wealth management services offered by the Richmond office of RBC Dominion Securities.

Our team of Investment Advisors is here to help you address your various financial concerns, whether you are looking for help building your financial future, making the most of your retirement, or creating a lasting legacy for future generations.

Whatever your situation, your personal Investment Advisor will work with you to create a comprehensive wealth management strategy that goes beyond investing and money management to address concerns such as financial planning, estate planning and wealth protection.

Your Investment Advisor starts by taking the time to fully understand your specific situation through an in-depth discovery process. Next, your advisor will recommend the appropriate services you need, including:

  • A customized financial plan to clarify and articulate your overall financial goals
  • An investment portfolio that follows a highly disciplined approach to investing with proven results
  • A Will & estate consultation with our in-house lawyer to address issues and opportunities in your estate plan
  • A risk management consultation with our insurance specialist to identify opportunities to protect – and enhance – your wealth

The result – a comprehensive wealth management strategy that gives you the confidence and security that comes from knowing all your financial concerns are being addressed.

We encourage you to read this guidebook for an introduction to our Investment Advisors and their teams – and the wide range of services they can offer.

Thank you.

Mark Husken,
Branch Manager

Cecilia Chan,
Branch Administrator