Personal Savings Calculator
Find out how easy it is to build your assets by making a regular commitment to saving.

Compound Interest Calculator
Calculate the value of your savings over time using a variety of rates of return.

Future Value Calculator
See how much your savings today would be worth 10 or 15 years from now.

Net Worth Worksheet
Get a financial snapshot of what you own (your assets) and what you owe (your liabilities).

Minimum Annual Income Calculator
Determine your minimum annual RIF, LIF or LRIF payments at various ages throughout retirement.

Annual Retirement Income Worksheet
Calculate the combined after-tax retirement income for you and your spouse in this single, convenient statement.

Annual Retirement Expense Worksheet
Estimate your retirement expenses while taking inflation into account.

Net Income Calculator
Based on your estimated retirement income and expenses, see whether you will have an income surplus or an income gap at retirement.

Stock Donation Calculator (Excel)
Find out how much of a difference the new capital gains tax exemption makes when you donate stocks to qualified charities.