Our Clients

Get started on your hedging strategy now.  

Cash Crop Producers 

Cash crop producers with 1,000 or more acres of grain or oilseed production who are doing forward contracting but looking at other options in their marketing plans.

 Livestock Producers

Livestock producers including hog producers with 500 or more sows, or shipping 1,000 or  more market hogs per month.

Cattle producers with minimum 500 head of cattle.

Grain Elevators

Grain elevators looking for trade execution, or learning how to hedge their inventories.

Food Processor Companies

Food processor companies requiring a hedge against the increasing price of inputs such as corn, wheat and sugar.

Oil and Gas Companies

Oil and gas companies needing to hedge their price risk to the crude oil, heating oil (diesel fuel), and unleaded gas and natural gas markets.


Corporations including wholesale fuel dealers and independent gas retailers with a minimum usage of 42,000 gallons monthly.

 High-Net-Worth Individuals

Individuals who are seeking direct access to a specific commodity market and/or currency, and wanting Canadian-dollar hedging strategies designed to hedge current risk on US-dollar equity portfolios.

Importers and Exporters

Importers and exporters who wish to manage and hedge currency risk of $500,000 or more per year.