To become a client we offer you a 3 Step Approach

Discovery Plan

What does your future look like? Meeting one is focused on discovering your goals and track your current path. We do a no-cost Comprehensive Financial plan that will give you and I an idea about where you are headed. Looking for red flags or areas like running out of money. Also it answers whether your goals are realistic? We suggest we also look at your current investment holdings.


Strategy Session

Where do you need to be and what are the suggested financial strategies do you need to consider? Are your current investments suitable to your goals? What risks are you not considering? What is your past performance and suitability of your current investments. A new asset allocation plan is presented typically on meeting Two.



Details are discussed and any paperwork if you decide to proceed and we deem a match of us with you are determined. If a match exists then we proceed with paperwork or transfer information at that time.

Power of planning

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Adaptative portfolio

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Power of reporting

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