Wealth Management Approach

I have a focus on Professional Wealth Management. I am able to draw from a deep pool of talented, highly qualified professionals from across RBC Wealth Management in order to build a complete Wealth Plan for my clients.

While I pride myself on building high quality investment and retirement portfolios, I recognize that everyone is unique. My first goal is to connect with and discover what is most important to you.

A custom-tailored Wealth Plan takes into account:

  1. Financial Planning;
  2. Credit and Lending;
  3. Taxation;
  4. Retirement Planning;
  5. Education Savings;
  6. Charitable Giving;
  7. Insurance; and,
  8. Estate Planning.

Considering all of these elements together helps me to have a deep understanding of each client’s needs, objectives, goals and risk tolerance. It brings some context, helping me understand what the money is really for and what is at stake. As a result, you are not just an Investor Type, but rather a one-of-a-kind, true client.

In order to deliver on this promise, I have implemented a 5-Step Wealth Management Process.

5 Step Wealth Management Process

Step One: Connect and discover what is truly important to my clients and prospects

Step Two: Prepare a detailed Financial Projection leading up to and through retirement. Depending on the results of the projection, I may draw on one or more of my partners to provide more detailed planning in any areas we discover need deeper attention

Step Three: Determine the appropriate Asset Mix for your Investments. Your own unique, custom-tailored Asset Mix will be based on:

Your personal goals, objectives and your tolerance for risk; and,

Input from our Portfolio Advisory Group at RBC Wealth Management.

Step Four: Security Selection: With input from the Portfolio Advisory Group, we will build a custom-tailored portfolio for you, which may include bonds, stocks, mutual funds, third-party separately managed accounts and/or exchange-traded funds. Please click here to be directed to a more detailed discussion of my Investment Process.

Step Five: Review and Rebalance. There are several times when we will meet by phone or in person to review your portfolio:

  1. On a quarterly basis we will touch base to review performance and to determine if there are any changes in your circumstances that warrant a change to your plan (possibly moving back to Step One or Two);
  2. On a semi-annual basis we will undertake a more detailed, deeper dive into the performance of the portfolio, looking at what worked and what did not work over the previous 6 months;
  3. On an annual basis we will meet face-to-face to update your information and for a detailed review of the portfolio. In many cases, we may also include one of my business partners to discuss any needs we have discovered over the course of the last year; and,
  4. Ad-Hoc calls/meetings whenever there is anything on your mind you are always welcome to call and I will reach out whenever I recommend a change in one of your securities in the portfolio.