When you place your financial security with someone, there must be trust; especially when one does not understand or want to deal with the markets. That’s RBC Wealth Management’s job and they do it well. Greg Thompson and the team members we have dealt with the most, Rob Smith and Meredith Milne are excellent at what they do. They are knowledgeable, reliable, trustworthy and always willing to answer our questions, even the same questions until we are feel secure that our financial goals are in line with our desired lifestyle. We highly recommend Thompson Wealth Management.
- S.G.
Joe and I started with Greg as our advisor 16 years ago. Joe talked with Greg often during the month sharing ideas and strategies with our investments. Joe really appreciated Greg's advise and friendship over the years.
When Joe passed away Greg became even more important to me as I was not confident about my portfolio. He has become not only my advisor but great help in guiding me and helping me understand my investments. I can not express enough how he has helped me become a more educated client. He is easy to talk to and helpful in so many ways. He always makes time to answer any of my questions or concerns. He has never made me feel uncomfortable for asking the most basic questions.
On a personal note, I have called him my "go to guy" since Joe's passing, and certainly glad he has helped so much over this time.
- D.S.
Greg Thompson has done a great job for us throughout the years. He has earned our respect and confidence going forward.
- G.N.
COMPLETE TRUST - Over the past eighteen years Greg Thompson and his team have been looking after me. Not just my investments but anything I want to have an opinion on regarding financial matters. I cannot stress how much faith I have in Greg himself and the team are equally supportive. Besides proving to be sound financial advisors it is just a pleasure to talk with them all - it really makes my day!!
- S.F.