"Investing in Dreams"

What do we stand for?

RBC Dominion Securities has helped Canadian investors achieve their financial goals since 1901. Today, RBC Dominion Securities is Canada’s leading full-service investment firm, with over 400,000 clients across Canada. Whether you are investing for yourself, your family or your business, we can custom-design an investment portfolio to meet your specific needs for growth, income or capital preservation.

We can offer you a new solution.

Our team can provide you with access to virtually every type of investment, including stocks, bonds, GICs and mutual funds - all backed by proven investment strategy and top-ranked capital markets research. We can also assist with your various investment accounts, including Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) and non-registered Investment Accounts.

How can our approach help you?

Our team provides each individual a unique experience to help reach their goals. We will meet with you to discuss your financial needs and goals over time. A portfolio will be designed to best suit these needs and goals in your life. For a more detailed explanation on our unique approach and how it can help you, visit Our Approach page or Contact Us today to set up an appointment to discuss what we can do for you.  

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Contact Us Today!

As an Investment Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, I would be pleased to speak with you about your financial objectives. Please feel free to contact me today.

Gilberto Ciulini

Portfolio Manager & Investment Advisor
