At RBC Dominion Securities Durham, we believe in the power of making a positive impact on the communities we serve. Beyond our commitment to delivering exceptional services to our clients, we are equally dedicated to giving back and being active contributors to the betterment of society.

Our Community Involvement initiatives are driven by the passion and compassion of our employees, who wholeheartedly embrace the opportunity to make a difference. Together, we engage in various volunteer activities, charitable events, and community outreach programs, striving to create a lasting impact on the lives of those around us.

Through this page, we invite you to explore the meaningful projects and partnerships that define our community-centric approach. We are proud to share the stories of how we are collectively working towards building a brighter and more inclusive future for everyone.

Join us in making a difference, as together, we can achieve remarkable things that extend beyond the realm of business. Thank you for being a part of our journey towards a stronger, more compassionate community.


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Making a difference where it’s needed most


At RBC Dominion Securities, we know that “community” is something we all create. As individuals, families, businesses, and partners, our contributions to our community come back to us in spades, and enrich the lives of everyone in our region. We are always involved in activities, events, and causes that benefit the Durham Region. Here are a few of the organizations we support.

Durham Youth Services - Joanne's House

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The Denise House

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YWCA Durham

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Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre

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CMHA Durham

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Grandview Kids

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Know of a good cause that deserves our attention?


If you know of an organization that is working hard to make our community a better place, we would love to hear about it.

Tell us more