A+ Portfolios

A+ is an innovative investment platform that gives you convenient access to a professionally managed, fully customized investment portfolio. A+ provides access to some of the world’s leading investment managers, backed by RBC’s proven investment discipline.

With most investment programs, you are fit to the program. However with A+, the program is fit to you. Your A+ portfolio is individually crafted based on your unique needs for capital growth, investment income and asset preservation. Then, your A+ portfolio is professionally managed for you within strict parameters, freeing you to focus on your other important priorities with confidence.

Your customized A+ portfolio provides:

  • The expertise of leading independent asset management firms, carefully assessed through in-depth research, and brought together in a coordinated, customized portfolio
  • The latest portfolio management technology that brings together multiple asset managers into a single, unified portfolio with consolidated reporting and synchronized asset allocation
  • A proven investment discipline that ensures your portfolio is set, monitored and rebalanced according to your specific investment guidelines
  • A modern approach that can help you achieve your financial goals, without compromising on your personal values

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Guided Portfolios

Enjoy a highly disciplined approach to equity investing with RBC Dominion Securities Guided Portfolios. With Guided Portfolios, you follow a highly disciplined RBC investment strategy process that guides your decisions to buy or sell individual equities.

Key features and benefits of Guided Portfolios:

  • Invest in our top-ranked stocks from various sectors of the economy
  • Benefit from sector weightings based on our most current investment outlook
  • Remove the guesswork and emotion from buying and selling individual equities

Designed to fit your needs and style

There are a wide range of Guided Portfolio to help meet different financial objectives, including growth-oriented Canadian, U.S. and global equity portfolios, as well as income-oriented Canadian and U.S. portfolios.

A Guided Portfolio could be ideal if you:

  • Want to follow a highly-disciplined investment approach with proven results
  • Want guidance with all your investment decisions, while retaining final decision-making authority

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