A series of Wealth Management webcasts specifically targeted for accountants and lawyers.

These webcasts will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about specific wealth management solutions, strategies and services where you can partner with RBC to help your clients minimize tax, maximize estates, create a legacy and enhance retirement income. The webcasts may be eligible for CE credits. The webcasts can be replayed and are as follows: 

RBC Charitable Gift Program  

As we near year-end, charitable giving activity tends to increase for tax deductions. Learn about RBC’s public foundation structure that can be set up for as little as $25,000. We will also discuss a number of innovative charitable giving strategies.

Click here for RBC Charitable Gift Program replay link

Individual Pension Plan (IPP)

IPPs are becoming more attractive among business owners to minimize corporate taxes, enhance retirement income and creditor protect assets. Join us for an advanced discussion on IPPs from one of our internal experts and a senior actuary from our actuarial partner, Buck Consultants.

Click here for Individual Pension Plan (IPP) replay link.

Non-Recourse Mortgage

With a strong Canadian dollar and low U.S. real estate prices, owning U.S. real estate can be attractive. However, wealthy Canadians should consider the impact of U.S. estate taxes on their U.S. property. Join us for a discussion on RBC Bank (USA) Non Recourse Mortgage solution to minimize U.S. estate tax as well as other cross-border banking and credit solutions.

Click here for Non-Recourse Mortgage replay

Insured Annuities

Join us for an advanced discussion from one of Canada’s leading insurance experts on the ins and outs of insured annuities. With life expectancies increasing and low fixed income yields, annuities are becoming more attractive as a source of tax-effective retirement income. Innovative structuring of annuities to enhance after-tax yields will also be discussed.

Click here for Insured Annuities replay

Corporate Planning Using Life Insurance

Join us for an advanced discussion from one of Canada’s leading insurance experts on creative corporate planning strategies using life insurance.

Click here for Corporate Planning Using Life Insurance

RBC Consolidated Reporting Service

To help reduce your financial administration and tax reporting burden, RBC Consolidated Reporting Services has the ability to bring together multiple investment holding company brokerage accounts into one convenient financial reporting package. Join us for a discussion on how this service works to help free up more of your time on higher billable work.

Click here for RBC Consolidated Reporting Service