Let Us Help You Make Your Financial Life Simpler

While portfolio performance is vital, we embrace the principle of total wealth management. This includes financial, banking, tax, insurance, will, estate and retirement planning.

All are connected and no successful long-term wealth building strategy can ignore them. There is no additional cost for our planning services.

As you are unique, so will be the team we build around you. While Dane and Aaron will be your primary points of contact, we will bring in discreet experts from the entire Royal Bank of Canada network to work on your unique challenges and opportunities.

Among the over 200 professionals upon whose services we can draw are:

  • Private & Commerical Bankers
  • Estate & Will Conultants
  • Chartered Business Valuators
  • Cross Border Experts
  • Financial & Estate Planners
  • Benefits Experts
  • Business Transition Specialists
  • Insurance Specialists

Dane Morrison, CFA

Senior Portfolio Manager & Wealth Advisor
