Global Insight Monthly

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Investment, tax and lifestyle perspectives

Written by the experts at RBC Wealth Management, Perspectives magazine highlights topical issues relevant to high-net-worth investors and addresses their wealth management concerns – from insights on tax strategies to family and lifestyle interests.

Providing greater transparency

The “Client Relationship Model” is designed to provide investors with greater transparency on the costs and performance of their investments.

With phase two of this initiative, called “CRM2,” a new annual performance report was introduced at most Canadian investment firms in 2017.

The new annual performance report uses a different way to calculate your rate of return compared to the traditional “time-weighted rate of return” used by most of the financial industry.

It’s called a “money-weighted rate of return,” and it takes into account your contributions and withdrawals throughout the year to give you more insight into your personal rate of return.

The following video explains the difference between these two ways to calculate your rate of return – and why both are helpful.

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Wealth Management Online provides access to exclusive content available to RBC Dominion Securities clients - choose content via the Markets & Research menu tab:

RBC Global Asset Management is your online hub for the most current market updates and insights, including current perspectives from RBC Global Asset Management's Chief Economist, Eric Lascelles


GIC rates

The latest GIC rates from various financial institutions.


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