Running Reflections: From Humble to Behemoth - The Entrepreneurial Spirit

July 24, 2024 | Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell


 It's hot! So naturally, I decided to go for a run


What was I thinking?

Fueling my run…

an episode of the Acquired podcast,

featuring the story of Starbucks.

From humble beginnings to today’s behemoth.

Thanks to Brad Ezard of Confederation M&A for the recommendation.

We recently sat down for coffee and a chat at Happy Goat Café on Wellington Street in Ottawa.

Stay tuned, as I’m planning a recorded conversation with Brad on The Cash Rich Exit Podcast (another highly recommended podcast -- ️ha ha).

Join me for Coffee

I will be having a series of coffee conversations – and guess what? One of those dates could be reserved just for you! Let's catch up, enjoy some coffee, and you can help me contribute to causes that could use our attention.

I'm excited to share that I'll be making a $20 donation to an incredible charity for each coffee date. I invite you to match my contribution with your own $20 donation to your preferred cause.

Together, we can make a real impact!

If you’d like to join me for a coffee, drop me an email or a DM on LinkedIn, and let's coordinate our coffee connection. Oh, and don't forget to share your charity of choice – let's make our coffee dates count! 

TTFN, Colleen