The importance of nurturing your talent in a recession

March 01, 2023 | Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell


Have you ever been in an environment that doesn't serve you, and wanted to get out? Today I have an inspirational story from one of us, the Self-Made Nation, who did just that and turned her challenges into a deep focus on helping people nurture their talent base.

Karen Brownrigg, founder and CEO of iHR Advisory Services, a firm that provides customized solutions to challenging HR situations by equipping leaders with the tools necessary to create a positive work climate conducive to high performance teams. They specialize in three areas, intelligent HR and business strategies, innovative executive coaching programs, and insightful human resourcefulness.

Before iHR, Karen worked in different roles within different industries but says she always knew that she had an entrepreneurial side. “In 2016, I was still working in the corporate world, leading an HR team. And I got to a point in my career where I was feeling bored, and I wasn't really making a difference. I was uninspired.  My entrepreneurial gene was knocking at the door saying ‘there is an edge; you're gonna do something with this, right?’ And so I thought it was really time for me to break out on my own even though it was scary as heck.”

What is “human resourcefulness” and how can business owners become aware of it?

We hear a lot about “the great resignation” and “quiet quitting” and in that environment we as leaders need to be hyper aware of how our talent (ourselves included) is feeling. Leaders must unemotionally create the systems to help our people navigate difficult scenarios like toxicity in the workplaces, and provide a psychologically safe and inclusive environment.

Many leaders deal with problems, reactively, as they arise, by using a “stick" approach, where perceived bad behavior is punished; instead of looking into ways of helping people understand that their intended impact may not be what people are experiencing.

Karen took a deep interest in creating the frameworks for leaders to educate and empower. “I ended up blending my practice, as a certified HR practitioner, also, becoming a certified executive coach at the masters level, and starting to blend the HR and the leadership coaching pieces. Those are the two sides of the coin that I really think are needed. Over the years, I've been building the tools in my toolkit, working in different organizations across different industries, and learning different approaches to really creating healthy and engaging workplaces for people.”

The approach is vital, particularly as we navigate a recession, after several years of pandemic living, when people may be anxious and nerves are frayed. A focus on creating safe workplaces for ourselves and our people needs to be front and center.

Fun, frank advice from a people person!

Karen shares: “Go with your gut, please go with your gut. We're kind of trained in society to worry about rocking the boat, and stepping outside of the norm when sharing a new idea. Sometimes that's scary for people because that means that they might need to change their way of thinking. One thing that has served me really, really well is trusting my gut. Go with your gut, and good things will happen!”

If you enjoy the audio medium, you’ll find a lot more in the podcast episode where I speak to Karen. Have a listen here!