Which Sacred Money Archetype Are You?

June 13, 2018 | Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell


How do you really feel about money? Because it affects every financial decision you make, and you might not even realize it.

I was first introduced to Sacred Money Archetypes by one of my coaches. It was such an eye-opening experience that I want to share the insights with you.

‘Archetypes’ are sets of characteristics and motivations that are universally recognizable.

Carl Jung suggested that while our awareness of archetypes happens on an unconscious level, they give our lives meaning and context, and that these archetypes are truly universal. Carol Pearson defined twelve commonly experienced archetype narratives which play a role in our personal development. Brand managers will assign archetypes to help create ‘Product Heroes’ and appeal to consumers on a deeper, more intuitive level.

The idea that there are Sacred Money Archetypes – a distinctive way we feel about and act with money – is something that has fascinated me for ages. I’ve read up on the archetypes, completed assessments and thought about how my clients might fit into the framework. But with no formal training I could never really put the information to use.

So last year, I completed the certification program offered by Kendall Summerhawk.

How Sacred Money Archetypes affect the Law of Attraction

We know that our thoughts have power. 

“What you focus on, expands.” ‘What your think about, you bring about.” “Where focus goes, energy flows.”  The law of attraction says we need to ask, believe, and be ready to receive. That leads to synchronicity.

The Sacred Money Archetype program provides the foundation for understanding how our ingrained, subconscious thoughts about money can affect our success in attracting wealth and prosperity.

Curious about your Sacred Money Archetype? Email me here for your copy of the Sacred Money Archetype Assessment created by Kendall Summerhawk.

We can’t help but internalize the money beliefs we grew up with. I’ve written about this before - Money Memories.

If you were brought up to believe that families with wealth were greedy and undeserving, you may have a difficult time attracting abundance and prosperity into your life. If you grew up seeing parents struggle for every penny earned, you may believe money is scarce and now make work harder than it needs to be. If you grew up with generous role models, you may feel the need to give generously even in hard times. You may have been raised believing you deserve nothing but the best, then faced sticker shock when you struck out on your own.

Just like Dr. Garry Chapman introduced the ground-breaking descriptions of Love Languages, which I wrote about last December (Holiday giving through the lens of the Five Love Languages) – the Sacred Money Archetypes provide an explanation of how we see the world from a money/wealth/abundance perspective.

Consciously or unconsciously - the way we do money is the way we do life. It shows up in all our financial choices.

How you feel about money can create real barriers to accessing the wealth and prosperity you deserve.

As a business owner, how it shows up can create barriers to growing your business or selling your business.

Your task - if you are willing to accept it - is to discover and embrace your Sacred Money Archetype so you can harness its wisdom and power. There are natural talents associated with your unique archetype, and huge revelations when you identify your top 3 archetypes, plus your Arch Enemy – the archetype that suits you the LEAST.

Keep tuning in as we take you on a journey through the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes over the coming weeks. See if you find yourself in any of them.

The 8 Sacred Money Archetypes are:

The Ruler – the Inner Empire Builder

The Accumulator – the Inner Banker

The Alchemist – the Inner Idealist

The Maverick – the Rebel with a cause

The Nurturer – the Inner Sponsor

The Celebrity – the Inner Big Shot

The Romantic – the Inner Hedonist

The Connector – the Inner Relationship Creator

And remember – I’m certified to offer you a full assessment. Clients who have completed the assessment have found it remarkably eye opening. And if you’re in a relationship, it can be especially revealing when both partners take the quiz!

If you’d like to discover your own Sacred Money Archetype AND learn how the knowledge can completely transform your relationship with – and attraction of – wealth, email me here and I’ll send you a copy of the Sacred Money Archetype Assessment created by Kendall Summerhawk.

Then follow along as I introduce each one.