Building A High Performance Portfolio

While we recognize that all investors are different, we also recognize that certain investment principles and practices remain constant and unalterable.

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation accounts for as much as 90% of portfolio performance. Getting that right is our number one priority. It is how we try to deliver consistent long-term results.

Risk Return Tradeoff

The more risk an investor is exposed to, the higher returns that investor ought to enjoy. We like to sleep well at night. You should enjoy a similar privilege. We will never expose your portfolio to more risk than you are prepared to tolerate.


The careful combination of different asset classes, such as fixed income, equities and cash, can reduce risk while increasing returns. Diversification minimizes the impact of market fluctuations.

We follow a rigorous six-step procedure to help ensure your performance expectations are met:

  1. Investment Policy Statement (IPS): This a document that takes into account your unique needs, investing time horizon, tolerance for risk, and more. It is the basis for the asset-allocation model Bruno builds for your portfolio.
  2. Building Your Portfolio: Based on that asset-allocation model, Bruno will personally select an appropriate combination of investments for your portfolio. Virtually every type of investment is available to meet your needs.
  3. Managing Your Portfolio: Bruno and his team will make day-to-day investment decisions on your behalf to respond to, and anticipate, movements in the market and changes in the economic landscape.
  4. Third-Party Review & Monitoring: An independent risk management group within RBC Dominion Securities reviews your portfolio on a quarterly basis to ensure it meets the high standards set out in your IPS.
  5. Adjusting Your Investment Strategy: Bruno meets with you on a regular basis to review your portfolio and get an update on your personal and financial situation.
  6. Keeping You Informed: You will receive a monthly account statement detailing activity in your portfolio and providing the market value of your positions.