Doreen Costantini, CIM
Vice-President & Financial Planning Specialist, Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management
Doreen has been in the financial services industry since 1988, both as an advisor and as a wealth planning analyst, where she assisted advisors with providing high-quality financial planning services to their high-net-worth clients.
Prior to joining RBC, Doreen provided comprehensive financial planning guidance and advice to executives, business owners, professionals and high net worth families. Doreen assists clients in addressing all areas of their wealth by using a holistic approach to Financial Planning.
Doreen believes that planning is critical to helping people meet their financial objectives. Doreen’s role is to work with and support your advisor in preparing and presenting comprehensive Compass Financial Plans for clients.
Dustin is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), has completed the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada’s In-Depth Tax Course, and holds an Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Manitoba with a major in Accounting.
In his previous role as a tax manager at one of the major global accounting firms, Dustin specialized in providing tax planning services to high-net-worth individuals, private corporations, owner-managed businesses, estates, trusts and partnerships. His work focused on tax minimization strategies, reorganizations, and succession planning.
Dustin’s role is to work with and support your advisor in preparing and presenting your Compass Financial Plan and to identify and assess any related financial planning concerns you may have.
James Kopp, B. Com. S.
Vice-président et spécialist en planification successorale, Services Financiers RBC Gestion de patrimoine inc.
Ne jamais faire du surplace.
Pour James Kopp, s’il y a un sentiment pire que tout autre, c’est de faire du surplace dans la vie.
« Je veux avoir l’impression de toujours progresser. Entre autres, il s’agit de revoir régulièrement votre planification successorale afin de tirer profit de toute nouvelle opportunité et de l’adapter à tout changement dans votre situation. »
Dit simplement, James a une connaissance approfondie des besoins de clients fortunés et il travaille en symbiose avec leur équipe de conseillers afin d’identifier la meilleure solution.
James Kopp élargit ses horizons à tous les jours et il compte plus de 20 ans d’expérience à éduquer ses clients quant au recours stratégique à l’assurance. Il apprécie beaucoup rencontrer des clients incertains à propos de l’assurance, parce qu‘il est en mesure de les éclairer.
Michel Bétournay, Pl. Fin.
Vice-président et spécialiste en planification financière, RBC Gestion de patrimoine
Michel Bétournay, planificateur financier, a obtenu un baccalauréat en administration des affaires avec spécialisation en comptabilité de l’École des hautes études commerciales de Montréal (HEC Montréal) en 1991. Il détient en outre, depuis 2002, le titre de planificateur financier décerné par l’Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF).
Michel travaille au sein du Groupe de la Banque Royale du Canada depuis 1993. Il compte quatorze années d’expérience à titre de planificateur financier, dont douze avec l’équipe de planification financière Compas.
Son rôle est de travailler avec votre conseiller et de l’aider à préparer et à présenter des plans financiers Compas complets.
As a Premier Banking Advisor for the Greater Winnipeg Region, Wanda Lavallée works as a single point of contact, creating elevated value and personalized care with day to day banking and credit solutions for select high net worth individuals.
Wanda partners with Wealth Management Investment Advisors and Counsellors across the region, providing tailored advice to efficiently manage clients day-to-day banking needs.
She has worked in the financial industry for over 35 years and brings her passion, insight and specialized approach to create an elevated service experience ensuring wealth management clients day to day banking needs are being met.
Prior to her current position, she worked as an Associate, Credit Structures in Private Banking, with a focus on relationship management and implementing credit and lending solutions for high-net-worth clients.
Wanda is committed to giving back to her community, as she volunteers with a variety of charitable organizations. She is married with two young adults who are in University. She enjoys cycling, hiking and loves getting outdoors throughout all four seasons.
As a Premier Banking Advisor for the Greater Winnipeg Region, Lori works as a single point of contact providing banking and credit solutions for select high net worth individuals and their families. Acting as a single point of contact, she provides personalized service, and tailored advice to efficiently manage clients' day-to-day banking needs.
Lori has been with RBC for 33 years, with extensive experience in our Retail Banking Network. Prior to her current role, Lori worked as a Financial Advisor within the Winnipeg Region, providing personalized financial advice and credit solutions for all personal and business banking clients. Lori provides exceptional customer service and focuses on building strong client relationships.
Lori is committed to giving back to her community, and volunteers with numerous local charities within her community. Born and raised in Winnipeg, Lori is married and has two adult sons. She enjoys skiing, hiking, kayaking , and spending time with family and friends.