Business Owner Planning
Alessandro Lupo and his team have worked with experienced businesses across Ontario taking pleasure in solving and reacting to market conditions. At some point over the course of the life of your business, you will be faced with these decisions:
■ What is the best structure for my business?
■ How can I reduce taxes?
■ What should I do with surplus cash?
■ How can I build employee loyalty?
■ How will I manage my risk?
■ What can I do to deal with the unexpected?
■ Do I intend to retire from my business?
■ Will I sell my business?
■ How can I gauge the true value of my business?
■ How do I go about transferring my business to the
next generation?
■ How do I handle the sale of my business in the most
tax-efficient manner?
■ How can I keep my business in the family?
■ What will I do once I’ve retired?
As an Investment Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, I would be pleased to speak with you about your financial objectives. Please feel free to contact me today.