Achieve Infinite Magnificence – health and wellness conference and expo
As an advocate for financial literacy and financial wellness, I was happy to have presented on the topic of "The journey to financial wellness - From financial stress to financial resilience to financial wellness" at the “Achieve Infinite Magnificence – health and wellness conference and expo” on May 6th in Mississauga. It was great to meet and interact with the attendees and other wonderful speakers in the health and wellness space.
So, what did a Wealth Advisor have to share at a health and wellness conference. Well, it turned out to be a lot.
To begin with, research has shown over and over again that financial wellness is integral to achieving one's holistic wellness objectives such as physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
And the realities of a challenging macro economic environment, high levels of household debt and evolving long term shifts in demographics such as longevity, changing employment, environment and social structures place the onus on us as individuals to prepare and plan for all the transitions in life. To develop the awareness around our current financial situation and future goals, be conscious of our values, emotions and cognitive biases so that we are able to make better decisions , and the intentions to take the necessary steps to achieve our financial and life goals.
Its nice that financial literacy and financial wellness are discussed in community events such as this one. Awareness leads to action which in turn leads to wellbeing.