It all Starts with you 

As your financial coach, Monica dedicates the time to learn more about you by asking the right questions to understand your overall picture. Everyone has their own story, individual experiences, and unique goals. That is why Monica puts you and what matters to you most in the center of everything she does. 

Who We Help

Monica’s mission is to provide unwavering support to clients at every stage of their financial journey. Monica is dedicated to guiding you towards reaching your goals with a wide range of services so that you will be empowered to make informed decisions, achieve financial security, and thrive at every life stage.

Individuals and Families

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Healthcare Professionals

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Business Owners

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Real Estate Investors

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Your wealth is more than just money

We offer a vast array of investment options that are tailored to your own personalized needs for today and into the future. We invest in quality investments and follow a disciplined approach. We will put together a strategy for you that will allow you to grow and protect your wealth by optimizing on opportunity and spreading out your risk. 


Monica Sheppit, PFP, FMA

Investment Advisor