In all honesty, we were a little surprised by the breadth of services that RBC offered us. It is nice to know that the people that you're working with are working in tandem as a team.
In my heart, I believe that we're helping to solve problems that they'll hopefully never know existed.
One of the unique things that we bring in our approach is our ability to combine tax, legal, and investments all into one conversation. Holistically approaching all three of them allows us to really have a unique view on our clients' wealth.
We are part of a great team. We have best professionals working with our team from lawyers, accountants, business valuators.
I'm someone who helps you think through how you own your assets and what you ultimately want to do with them for yourself and your family over time.
I was 33 years with one of the big four accounting firms. And my expertise is tax laws on both sides of the border.
I have a very special interest in disability law. I myself have five children. I have one son that has disability. I can work with families that have children or family members with disability and help them in quite a special way. It's a great job.
There's always a benefit to having one person look at your entire structure and look at your whole situation from a bit of a higher level and ensure that everything is really in place and that everything works together.
The term "financial plan" often suggests financial. But obviously, a financial plan is really a plan to meet personal objectives. So it's really important that when we meet with the client that we have a good understanding of what's important to them.
They come up with answers, or they will find the answers.
It's just--
--crazy. I mean, there's just no way we could have accomplished without the Wealth Management team where we are today. I mean, we'd never be this far.
You can't put a price I guess.
It's invaluable.
Yeah, invaluable.
And that's the reward that you can't measure. It's just what makes me want to get up the next morning to help more families.
This video is provided by RBC Wealth Management for informational purposes only. The comments contained in this video are general in nature, and do not constitute legal, investment, trust, estate, accounting or tax advice. RBC Dominion Securities Inc.*, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada, The Royal Trust Company, RBC PH&N Investment Counsel Inc., RBC Wealth Management Financial Services Inc. are affiliated corporate entities and member companies of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. *Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Please visit www.rbc.com/legal/ for further information on the entities that are member companies of RBC Wealth Management. ®/TM Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under license. © 2023 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved.