Addressing personal and business financial needs with specialized expertise

As a team of consultative, forward thinking and innovative industry specialists, we are committed to a collaborative approach to wealth management, working together with our clients and our vast network of expert partners to help individuals, families and business owners build and manage their wealth.  We strive to be a one stop shop for our clients’ full range of financial needs, including investment management, insurance, lending and debt management, in both the private and commercial arenas. 

We are we dedicated to ensuring individuals and families have sound investment and estate plans and are prepared for a tax-efficient transfer of their wealth to future generations. Improving financial literacy and confidence is a priority our team takes seriously as we support our clients through every stage of their personal and professional journeys.

Beyond investment expertise, we aim to serve as trusted partners throughout your financial journey. We understand that life can be unpredictable, and unexpected events can impact your financial well-being. By working closely with you,we help incorporate contingency plans into your investment strategy, ensuring you're prepared for the unexpected and have a financial safety net in place.

Wealth management is a comprehensive approach to helping you achieve your desired financial future, and it extends far beyond investment advice.

By taking an integrated approach to wealth, we can help you:

  • Protect your lifestyle
  • Manage your nest egg
  • Plan your retirement
  • Create a lasting legacy
  • And much more

We help you, your business and your family navigate the complexities of managing wealth by helping you understand the various financial issues, concerns and opportunities you face at every life stage.

The partnership between a financial advisor and the bank's team is a powerful combination. It ensures a holistic approach to your financial well-being, addressing both investment needs and broader financial requirements. This integrated approach saves you time and effort by consolidating various financial services under one roof, streamlining your financial management process.
Moreover, the collaboration between a my team and the bank's team fosters a deeper understanding of your unique situation.

We work in tandem to comprehend your financial goals, aspirations, and challenges, ensuring that their recommendations and solutions are tailored to your specific needs. This level of personalized attention and support is invaluable in helping you make well-informed financial decisions and maximizing the potential for success.

Who I work with...

My clients often have unique and intricate financial situations which require sophisticated guidance and opportunity spotting.

They include:


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Commercial Businesses

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Executives, Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

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Established Families

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Chanel’s Competitive Edge

You can expect a holistic experience from me, one that incorporates all of the specialists, partners, and resources you need to guide you through the wealth management process. My commitment to you is a transparent, engaging, and long-lasting relationship built on trust and integrity. I begin by listening intently to confirm that I have a full understanding of your unique definition of success - including your wants, needs, goals, and expectations.

You'll have to meet Chanel to understand how she differs from other consultants in this regard. She extends an invitation to you to learn more about her investment philosophy and what wealth management entails for you in the interim. Contact Chanel directly at 416.842.1136 or when you're prepared to have a discussion or ready to take the next step.