Tales of the Trans Mountain Pipeline

May 31, 2018 |Nick Gill, CFP
The path from Edmonton to Burnaby spans just over 1,000 kilometres and covers some of the most picturesque landscape in Canada, including the breathtaking Jasper National Park. Since 1953, the Trans Mountain pipeline has occupied this route, carrying...
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Bank of Canada Delivers Balanced Outlook on Canadian Economy

April 20, 2018 |Nick Gill, CFP
This week, the BoC elected to hold the overnight lending rate steady at 1.25%. On global growth, the BoC noted it is tracking along modestly stronger than their January forecast with upward revisions to growth and potential output across many advanced...
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Inflation: An old risk awaits offstage

April 11, 2018 |Nick Gill, CFP
There are more than trade tensions to worry about. A surge in price pressures—not in anyone’s forecast, including our own or the Fed’s—could upset the economic/investment apple cart. Two conditions that could push inflation uncomfortably higher are present...
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2018 Federal Budget

March 01, 2018 |Nick Gill
RBC Wealth Management Services was granted access to the Federal Budget lock-up in Ottawa on Feb. 27, 2018. As a result, I’m happy to provide you with the highlights of the key tax measures that are of most interest to Canadian investors. For more details...
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