The Strauss Rom Strategic Wealth Management Group of RBC Dominion Securities believes that the hallmark of wealth management is strategy. Without a clear and concise strategy, managing financial portfolios is virtually impossible. As specialists in the field of strategic thinking, Ronnie and Mel create customized solutions for every client's complex situation.
One of the group's key strengths is its ability to develop innovative solutions for clients to meet their specific needs. The team's proposals are clearly different, and it is not only clients who are impressed by the creativity of its solutions, but their accountants, legal and tax advisors as well.
Clients know that their investments will be well taken care of. But the real benefit is when they see the entire financial picture; understanding that every asset or structure the team proposes has a purpose. This includes advice on ways to minimize taxes, reduce risk, maximize the estate, meet philanthropic commitments and/or identifying leveraging opportunities that take advantage of current yield spreads.
Although each proposal is customized for every client, there is a common thread across each of them - protecting client's capital.