Client Centered Approach

Our clients are typically sophisticated consumers as well as institutions who have sought out a trusted wealth management firm. Our clients are most frequently High Net Worth families as well as Corporations, Institutions and Endowment Funds. Our clients engage us to create and maintain a thoughtful comprehensive and disciplined investment plan incorporating various wealth management solutions as needed.

Typically, our services are of most value to individuals, corporations and institutions with at least $1 million or more of investable assets over all accounts.

Our Client Centered Approach (PDF)

Our clients have many unifying characteristics which we have identified as being a great fit for our firm. These include those that trust us and appreciate our expertise in the fields of executive financial planning, wealth management, investments and estate planning. They are honest with us, and are willing to fully disclose their assets, values, goals, and concerns. They are decisive and proactive with their financial decisions that affect their lives. They are extremely busy with their careers and businesses and don’t have the time to manage their money themselves. They work in dynamic businesses and professional fields and enjoy what they do, oriented towards reaching goals and capital preservation of their money or being good corporate citizens.

They have a responsibility to invest in the future, in themselves, and in others. Referred to us by a client who has benefited from our professionalism and skills. Those who fully understand the value of our services, advice and relationship. It is through this mutual understanding that allows us all to be successful and profitable in both our professional and personal relationships.