Business Planning 

Business Owner's Wealth Management Guide: 

This guidebook follows the life cycle of a business and its owner. It explores a range of subjects unique to business owners, from consideration of the best structure for your business, to development of a succession plan and your transition from the business into a well-planned and well-funded retirement. Download now


Estate Planning

Estate Planning Guide:

The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of the estate planning process and address the main elements of an estate plan. Since some of the issues addressed in this publication vary among provinces and territories, this guide is only intended as a general reference. Download now 

Wills & Will Planning Guide:

This guide will assist you in the preparation of your Will plan. Once you have read this publication, use the checklists at the end of this guide (in the appendices) to outline the basic terms that you wish to include in your Will. Upon completion, review them with your professional legal advisor, who can help you prepare your Will. Download now

Settling An Estate Guide:

Our primary goal in developing this publication is to provide you with an easy-to-follow reference guide that will help you through the various steps involved in the estate-settling process. Download now


Family Wealth 

Family Wealth Management Guide:

Regardless of how you view your financial status, there are some unique financial planning issues and strategies that you should consider when you have $1 million or more in investment assets. In this guidebook, we highlight 10 strategies that can help you protect your assets, reduce taxes, plan for retirement and maximize your estate. Download now

Staying On Course - Separation/Divorce Guide:

This guidebook provides ideas and suggestions to help you stay on course during separation and divorce. Download now


Government Programs

Education Funding Guide:

This guidebook provides information that can assist you with providing your children taccess to the education they need, without being hampered by financial concerns. It explains some of the most effective ways to save and invest, so that you can give your child the truly priceless gift of knowledge. Download now

Registered Retirement Savings Plans Guide:

The purpose of this publication is to review the basics of RRSP investing and provide an outline of strategies available to maximize your RRSP savings. Download now