Most business owners agree that founding their company was the most important financial decision they ever made. The second most important decision? Exiting it.
It’s as Simple as That
A company – particularly one that is family-owned – typically represents more than half of the value of its owner’s estate at the time the owner decides to dispose of it.
The stakes are high, as a business owner, the advantage of using the divestible assets held within your company to ensure a carefree retirement can be huge – in terms of wealth preservation, tax savings, family financial security and personal peace of mind.
A single statistic supports this point. Few business owners have a coherent wealth management strategy and even fewer – as low as 10% – have a written business sale or succession plan. If you are one of the 90% without either, we have a suggestion to make.
Talk to Us
Even if you have a sale or succession plan in place it makes sense to have a discussion with the Favaro team.
The conversation is without charge or obligation, and the results might surprise you. We have rarely reviewed a business sale or succession plan that can’t be materially strengthened and improved.
We have helped many businesses maximize their corporate assets, organize their company for sale to a third party, transfer it to family members, or structure a management buy-out.
You have worked hard to create a durable business legacy. An hour is all it takes to find out how to preserve, protect and maximize the value of what you’ve taken so much time and trouble to build.