Working With Lawyers Throughout Their Careers

The road to success in the legal profession is long and arduous.  From graduation and articling, to building out your practice in your area of expertise, lawyers require specialized advice at each significant milestone in their career.

Whether you work in the private sector, as a partner of an LLP, or operate your own practice, our team will work with you to provide the right advice at every point of your career and into retirement. 

You have have goals and objectives.  Our job is to achieve them.


How We Work With Lawyers:

  • Use of professional services corporation for income enhancement and tax planning strategies
  • Creation of will and estate plan
  • Investment portfolio designed to meet  all of your goals and objectives
  • Complex credit solutions to purchase real estate and other large assets
  • Long term tax planning
  • Income splitting strategies 
  • Savings strategies for children and other loved ones
  • Use of trust structures for legal and tax protection
  • Advice on creditor protect of assets
  • Personal cash flow planning
  • Life insurance planning to minimize future costs and enhance estate planning


Our clients are ambitious.  They have objectives they wish to attain.  Our job is understand these ambitions and create a plan to meet them.

Allow us to work with you to define your goals and achieve them.  Please contact us to learn more about how we can help.

How can I help you?

Tell us how we can be of assisstance.

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Estate planning guide

Estate planning guide

Contact us for a free copy of the Estate planning guide.


Vice-President, High Net Worth Planning Services, Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management


Financial Planning Specialist, Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management


Will & Estate Consultant, Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management