Finance has always interested Danielle. From a young age, she was curious to understand money: “How to earn it, how to grow it, and how to keep it,” she explains. Money is only part of the economic equation, of course, and so a career was born.
Danielle entered the financial services sector in 1998. Her experiences include private client advice, working with one of the world’s largest institutional money managers, as well as operating her own financial planning practice.
With her differentiated background, Danielle is able to advise a diverse client base, including business owners pre- and post-succession, professionals, and those transitioning to and throughout retirement.
Danielle loves seeing the confidence that a structured financial plan gives clients about their future. When a client calls with a challenging situation or an unforeseen event, she remains at ease knowing their plan is dynamic and built for contingencies. “We can assure our clients that they can navigate this time and still meet their goals. Those moments are profoundly rewarding for me.”
Danielle has twice been nominated for the Ottawa Business Woman of the Year award, co-founded a local not-for-profit foundation in support of diversity, and remains active with many local charities.
Away from the office, Danielle has a very active lifestyle and enjoys sharing those activities with her family.