Are you ready for retirement?

If you are approaching retirement, or have recently retired, there are several financial items you need to check off your list. To help you keep track of all the critical details, and ensure you’re ready for a successful retirement, check out our Retirement Checklist.

It can help you:

  • Maximize government benefits
  • Manage RRSPs, RRIFs and Locked-In Accounts
  • Understand employee pensions and benefits
  • Coordinate your non-registered assets
  • Enhance your estate plan


儘管世事難料,預早策劃一個穏健退休大計,仍然是確保您能安享理想退休生活的最佳方法。不論您是剛開始為未來生活籌劃大計,還是追求足夠積蓄以安享晚年,我也能為您効勞。 有關詳情,請按此。