Why choose Kenn Hilgers?

  • Comprehensive Wealth Management - What does this mean? We want to address all areas of your financial planning to ensure that everything is working together properly. It means that your Investment Planning is tied together with your Income Planning and Tax Planning which in turn needs to work with your Will and Estate Planning and your Business Planning. Incorporating Risk Management is an important part of your investment, tax, and estate planning. We will tie this all together efficiently.
  • Commitment to your needs - We will work closely with you to fully understand what your unique objectives and concerns are. The more we know about you and your family, the better work we can do with you in all areas of your financial life.
  • Tax Planning - This is the most common issue raised by clients, and a driver of everything from investment decisions to estate planning to business structures. We focus on minimizing taxes in all areas of planning, for today and for the future.
  • Dedication to Financial Planning - We have our own dedicated experienced financial planner on our team, working only for our clients. We also work with our in-house insurance specialist and Will and Estate lawyer to work with you on high level estate planning.
  • Proven Money Management - In good and tough markets, we have focused on generating absolute returns, keeping Wealth Preservation paramount, and creating Tax Efficient income throughout.
  • Private Investment Management - We are able to provide to you full discretionary money management allowing you to focus on what is important to you in the rest of your busy life. This disciplined approach to professional wealth management gives you the freedom from making daily investment decisions. For more information on Private Investment Management click here!
  • Sophistication - Years of experience allows us to share with you sophisticated tax planning ideas, higher level business planning and deeper will and estate planning concepts. Again, tying it all together makes all the planning more efficient and impactful.
  • Service Plan - It’s one thing to talk about all these concepts, but the most important part is acting on them together and implementing the ideas. We will agree on a comfortable service schedule of regular meetings and contact planning with you.
  • Professionalism - In all dealings with all members of our team, you will always be treated with respect and professionally.
  • Peace of Mind - This is the most important thing when it comes to your money. We do not simply pick investments; we work closely with you to talk about all areas of your financial planning. Through detailed meetings and questionnaires we will ensure that every objective you have is addressed. You should feel comfortable knowing we are looking into all areas of your planning needs either directly or through one of our partners.