1. Meet

  • We start by getting to know you
  • Great relationships start with a conversation
  • At RBC Wealth Management, we believe the best conversations give us a better understanding of what is important to you, your unique needs, and your ambitions for the future

2. Discover

  • Before we create your customized wealth management plan, we want to learn about you, your family, your career or business, and your aspirations
  • By understanding them, we can help find the right solutions for you

3. Plan

  • Once we understand your needs, goals, and preferences, we can go about developing a wealth management plan specific to you that leverages sophisticated, time-tested strategies

4. Implement

  • When we get your go-ahead, we bring all the pieces together and connect you with relevant members of our extended RBC team to put your customized plan into action

5. Guide

  • Change is inevitable, and we are here to guide you through it
  • We review your situation and accounts regularly to make sure your financial objectives are being met, and we adjust as needed