RBC WM article: Canadian Government's economic response.

March 29, 2020 |Chris Durward

topics: - Support for individuals, workers - Delay of filing dates for taxpayers - Child tax benefit payments - Mortgage payment deferrals - Support measures in place for small business - Wage subsidies

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RBC WM Article - The Candian federal government's financial assistance for the COVID-19 situation

March 29, 2020 |Chris Durward

Canada Government's financial assistance: - Extension of tax filing deadlines to alleviate financial hardship - Reduction of RIF minimum withdrawal requirements.

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RBC DS Client Secure Message Centre instructions

March 29, 2020 |Chris Durward

We are able to send documents to you, and you to us, securely and easily within the Client Message Centre in your RBC DS client website. Many clients already have access to the RBC DS client website where you can view your investment accounts.

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