What we do
Ching Asset Management manages customized portfolios with a focus on maximizing risk-adjusted returns after fees. We aim to outperform relevant performance benchmarks over reasonable time frames and hold ourselves accountable for our results.
Because of our focus, our portfolios tend to differ significantly from the market average or benchmark portfolios. We utilize our own proprietary research team to analyze hundreds of businesses across the globe, allowing us to ignore the crowd.
Our flexible investment platform allows us to customize portfolios to your needs such as including/excluding particular investments, managing unrealized capital gains, minimizing estate tax exposures, etc.
Our clients
Our team manages assets for individuals and institutions and can look after most types of investment accounts, including registered retirement accounts (RRSPs, RRIFs, LIRAs, LIFs, & IPPs), tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs), trusts, and non-registered investment accounts.
Looking after you
We are here to help so feel free to get in touch anytime. Our team of experts will work with you to make sure all aspects of your finances are looked after. Investment reviews, tax reporting, contributions & withdrawals, financial planning, insurance, will & estate planning, etc. are all part of our service to ensure that your finances are looked after well.