Video - Q3 2020 Economic Update and Q&A with Eric Lascelles, Chief Economist of RBC GAM

29 octobre 2020 |Alexander Petrov
We had a very successful virtual event with our guest speaker Eric Lascelles, Chief Economist of RBC Global Asset Management. We discussed the impacts of Covid-19, the economy, upcoming US elections, low interest rates and more. The first half of this...
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Special Event: Petrov Wealth Management Group invites Eric Lascelles, Chief Economist of RBC GAM

12 octobre 2020 |Alexander Petrov
The Petrov Wealth Management Group is organizing a Special Event. On Friday October 23rd at 10:00AM we will be having Eric Lascelles, Chief Economist at RBC Global Asset Management, as a special guest speaker to provide a timely Economic Outlook for Q4...
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What a year! Pandemic, US Elections, Market Matters

12 août 2020 |Alexander Petrov
It feels like 2020 started just yesterday. Here we are already well into August and look at what we have lived through! We were coming off a strong 2019 for most asset classes, a strong economy and then the world was blindsided by the Coronavirus Pandemic...
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