The Holland Report - March 15, 2024

March 15, 2024 | Holland Family Enterprise Group


Happy Spring Break! We hope you enjoy the company of family and friends, and take time to relax, renew and refresh. We are delighted to share a few articles of interest and notable updates for your leisurely perusal.

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Marriage and Money. You said: “I do”, now it’s time for “we do”. Some say money makes the world go around, while others say it is the root of all evil. It’s easy to see why money and money-related matters can be so confusing. Add the merging of two people with different financial philosophies to the mix, and it could become messy.

  • –  5 Tips for Building a Financially Secure Marriage. Many couples say money is the number one topic they argue about – and the second leading reason for divorce. Taking the time to discuss and establish your money goals upfront can be an important step in creating a financially secure and happy life together.
  • –  Joint Bank Accounts. You’ve merged your lives. Should you also merge your bank accounts?
  • –  Managing Money in a Second Marriage: 5 Tips to Financial Bliss. Bringing money together in marriage is already a tough subject to navigate, and even trickier when you remarry. This is especially true later in life when partners may have financial obligations outside the union.
  • –  7 Ways to Help Minimize the Financial Impact of Divorce. Divorce is an unfortunate reality for many Canadians, which can take an emotional and financial toll. Explore smart ways to separate that may save you money in the long run.
  • – It’s worth noting that these marriage tidbits may also apply to cohabitating couples.


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  • – U.S. inflation unexpectedly rose in February. Will this impact the Fed's decision on when to cut interest rates? The consumer price index rose 3.2%—slightly stronger than a 3.1% increase in January and above market consensus. Still, core inflation measures, which the Fed watches closely, all showed improvement. Here’s why RBC Economics still expects the Fed to start cutting rates in June.
  • – Bubble watch. A growing chorus on Wall Street is warning a bubble may be forming in the U.S. stock market. But before thinking this AI-led rally could be too much of a good thing, investors should note some key differences vs. the Tech Bubble peak 24 years ago, along with other healthy signs we see today. While a near-term pullback can’t be ruled out, RBC Wealth Management contends this is not Tech Bubble 2.0.
  • – There are four principles investors should keep in mind about U.S. elections. As presidential elections have become more contentious, perceptions have risen that the stock market’s fate can hang in the balance depending on who wins.
  • – Canada’s housing market isn’t out of the woods yet. Anyone expecting smooth sailing ahead for the housing market got a reality check in February. Month-to-month drops in home resales in several of Canada’s major markets were a reminder that very challenging affordability conditions still heavily constrain many buyers – despite emerging signs of a market turnaround in the previous two months.


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RBC has officially moved all work-related messaging to RBC approved business cell phones. Please update your contacts to reflect our new mobile numbers:

  • –  Warwick Holland – 604-653-0391
  • –  Lisa Holland – 236-808-5384


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