Todd is a big fan of simplifying what many people find complicated. If the financial planning process starts out to be overwhelming, it won't get completed.
He has been in the financial services industry since 1990. His educational background includes both law and accounting. Having spent time in a major bank in various investment advisory and management functions, he was one of the earliest bankers to earn his mutual funds license. An Ottawa native, Todd has worked in both London, England and Toronto before settling back in Ottawa to focus his wealth management expertise on high-net-worth clients and business owners here.
Todd's investment approach is unique in that he manages investment portfolios for individual clients using a methodology similar to the ones used by successful pension and endowment funds. He has achieved one of the highest investment management titles, Senior Portfolio Manager, which qualifies him to free your time by handling day-to-day account transactions on your behalf.
Outside of the office, Todd is quite active and tries to get outside every day no matter what time of year it is. Between biking, boating or skiing, there is always lots to do. He tries to get his wife, Sue, or one of his two daughters to join him on his outings and is not often successful with this in Winter.