RBC Wealth Management Global Insight Weekly

August 04, 2023 | Marcus Davis


We are pleased to share this week's RBC Wealth Management's latest investment newsletter.

Strategic investing beyond North America: A preference for U.S. equities has proven beneficial for investors over the past decade. Even so, we believe an allocation to international developed-market equities is warranted, given their potential to diversify sources of returns, their relatively lower valuations, and the possibility of benefiting from the shift away from globalization.

Regional developments: Canadian interest rates continue to move with an upward bias; The U.S. loses its AAA credit rating; Bank of England raises rates, signals they could stay higher for longer; Bank of Japan relaxes yield curve control policy

Please take some time to review the Global Insight Weekly.

Feel free to contact our team with any questions and/or to discuss investment ideas. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and look forward to continuing to help you accomplish your long-term financial goals.

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