Healthcare’s double-shift: pandemic response and digital transformation

Healthcare’s double-shift: pandemic response and digital transformation

June 16, 2020 |John Stackhouse

As hospitals and health centres reckon with one of the biggest public health crises in a century, they have to contend with the simultaneous transformation into a digitally-enabled future.

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RBC Foundation combating COVID-19 mental health crisis

RBC Foundation combating COVID-19 mental health crisis with donations to CMHA, HEADSTRONG Summits

May 28, 2020 |RBC Wealth Management Canada

In any given year, 1 in 5 Canadians will personally experience a mental health issue or illness. This year, there is an undeniably higher degree of stress for many Canadians, given the uncertainty and strain of the current global health crisis.

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A tough but temporary blow to Canada’s housing market

March 30, 2020 |Robert Hogue
Housing trends and affordability - COVID-19 edition Highlights: Pandemic has soured the outlook almost overnight: Social distancing and the economic shock will cut home sale activity to a trickle near term. The timing and speed of the eventual rebound...
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Canadian flag markets

Canadian dollar weakened but not headed for historical lows

March 28, 2020 |Josh Nye

Canadian dollar traded below 70 cents this week, but don't dust off “Northern Peso" references

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BoC cuts rates and joins the QE club

March 27, 2020 |Josh Nye

The Bank of Canada lowered its overnight rate to 0.25% this morning and launched a new program of weekly government bond purchases that represents the bank’s first foray into quantitative easing.

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Federal fiscal support: phase one done but a long way to go

March 25, 2020 |RBC Economics

Canada's phase one of the COVID-19 fiscal stimulus was launched only a week ago and already it appears that it isn't enough.

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COVID-19’s threat to Canada’s vulnerable workers

March 23, 2020 |Andrew Agopsowicz

Measures to stem the spread of COVID-19, while essential to protect the population, have temporarily wiped out demand for services, taking an immediate heavy toll on Canadian labour markets.

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Mature Women Olympian

Brain health and legacy: What you and your heirs need to know

March 08, 2020 |RBC Wealth Management

Olympian Rosie MacLennan talks about the importance of brain health and protecting your legacy.

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The Robb Nash Project

How rock’n’roll is changing the world for youth mental well-being

October 11, 2019 |RBC Wealth Management

Band members Jonny Holliday and Robb Nash have performed over 700 shows in the last six years.

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