Customized Investment Portfolios

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Comprehensive Discovery

Our in-depth review and discovery process gives us insight into what investments would be suitable for you. By understanding how your wealth is structured and what goals you are prioritizing in life, we can then create a custom game plan to be ready for the future.

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Portfolio Implementation

After understanding your goals and objectives we then translate this into an action plan and construct a personalized portfolio based. We then document this on a personalized Investment Policy Statement which outlines exactly how your portfolio is to be managed.

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Pension-Style Portfolio Management

Our disciplined investment approach is modeled after Canada’s leading pension plans, utilizing strategies across a variety of asset classes that are traditionally available to large institutional money managers and pension plans. They help minimize the impact of market downturns.

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Private Investment Management Program (PIM)

In this program, we construct and maintain your portfolio to the guidelines outlined in the Investment Policy Statement. Day-to-day decision making is delegated to your portfolio manager, who will seek to achieve your objective upon the agreed risk management framework.


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Defined Service Agreement

For our detailed contact plan, having the right expectations of when and how often we will meet to review or discuss, as well as if you’d like to work together in conjunction with your other professionals, such as your accountant and lawyer, helps ensure we stay on track.

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To maximize your returns, we help you keep your investment costs and administration fees to a minimum. We manage all of our accounts on an all-inclusive flat cost basis. This means that you can expect no hidden costs or extra charges for any and all support from us.

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Family Pricing

Our “Family Pricing” model means that there will be no pricing surprises for anyone in your family. All generations in a family receive the same pricing, allowing the next generation to get access to preferred rates and services that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to receive.

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Portfolio Reporting & Communication

We are committed to keeping you informed of your portfolio, your holdings, and how you are doing. As a client you will receive a detailed quarterly report summary and a newsletter, which includes timely insights of what we see happening in the market and the global economy.

Comprehensive Wealth Planning

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Comprehensive full-service wealth planning

Wealth management is about guiding you through various stages in life. Whether you require a detailed retirement income plan, tax minimization strategies, or help growing and transferring wealth, our dedicated team will bring the best of RBC’s expertise to you.

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Financial Planning

Our team can provide a plan designed to help you build and protect your financial future. We help our clients plan for retirement, save for family members’ educations, prepare and protect their lifestyle, and create their legacies. We undertake corporate and trust planning as well.

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Wills and Estate Consultation

This consultation helps ensure that everything you have worked hard for is protected. We begin with a discussion of your wealth, your family, and your wishes or intentions. Then, a detailed report outlines recommendations you may wish to explore with your lawyer.

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Professional Network

We offer access to a network of professionals, such as lawyers and accountants – or can work with your current professionals – to help ensure that the various strategies related to the management of your wealth are properly addressed. We work together as seamlessly as possible.

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Tax Minimization Planning

Comprehensive tax planning can greatly add to your after-tax investment returns. We take into consideration how you can realize the lowest possible taxation. Our transparent cost structure allows for tax-deductibility on your non-registered and corporate investment accounts.