Young Canadians just starting their working years are often overwhelmed by the jargon thrown at them by the financial industry. To fully understand important topics like pensions, RRSPs and paying down debt, you need the right know-how to set you up for success.

An integral part of my full service wealth planning for clients is educating their entire family about finance to help them navigate an often confusing financial world. Helping multiple generations make the right financial decisions from the start is often some of the most important work I do for my clientele.

We’re in the process of developing a video series to help you understand finance better, no matter your age. We hope that our project will entertain you (you won’t be getting any slideshows or lectures from us) and guide you through personal finance, with an emphasis on the ‘personal’. Finance isn’t so boring when you’re able to apply it to your own life and find out how you can make it work for you to fulfill your personal goals, whatever those may be.

In the meantime, check this page for updates and links to resources and articles that we think are helpful. And if there’s a topic that you’d like us to cover, make sure to let us know!


Five Key questions to consider in wealth planning

Three things every inheritor should know

Banking for small & medium sized businesses


For young adults:

Millennials & wealth transfer

Financial management among young adults - realities and strategies

The right bank account for you

Credit cards

Understanding mortgages


Resources and Tools:


Decision Tools & Calculators

Federal tax brackets

Provincial tax brackets