Weekly Insights

September 18, 2018 | Ronald J. Wilcock


September 13, 2018 - Insights into the equity, fixed-income, currency and commodity markets from RBC Wealth Management.

Diane and I had a quick trip to Orillia Friday night to stay with friends and came back home Saturday night. On Sunday I played a round of golf with a friend – yes, my back is getting better thank you. This was followed by family for dinner Sunday to complete the weekend.


This Past Week and more; US and Canadian markets once again moved in different directions last week. The S&P500 and the DOW were up 1.2% and 0.9% respectively while the TSX was down -0.5%. Many international markets were up but, a few were down including China’s Shanghai. Let’s see; most equity markets were up except Canada and China. Who is involved with trade disputes with the US? Oh yes, Canada and China. (As an aside: Eric Lascelles, our Chief Economist, notes that China may be slowing but, it is still growing). Canada does appear to be closer to resolving NAFTA than China is to resolving their US trade dispute. This resolution will no doubt require some concessions on our country’s part. Further though, there are the US mid-term elections coming which is complicating strategy. These are the items we are watching and taking into account as we manage and adjust your portfolios.


The Weekend/Weather; I hope you were able to enjoy some lovely weather on the weekend.

For this week, after further heat and a mix of cloud and sun today, the temperature is set to drop into the 70’s/low20’s tomorrow. This As of right now, this is set to continue until Saturday , when it is set to drop to around the 60/15 range. That should make for a much different feeling weekend than the one just past.

Nonetheless, have a great week!


Global Insight WEEKLY

Move fast and break things

September 13, 2018


Global Insight Monthly

As the Brexit clock ticks down, what now?

September 2018


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